Film Review: The Bucket List

The Bucket List is a 2007 film, which I happened to watch this week.   I’m not exactly the right demographic for this film and you may be wondering why I’m writing about it, 4 years later.    There are two reasons for this film review:

1. Inspiration can come from anywhere.   The Bucket List was a good reminder that life should be lived in a way that leaves no room for regrets   

2. I once had a “bucket list” of my own.  Only I referred to it as the random-list-of-things-I-want-to-do-before-I-die.    The items on my list were pretty daring and I managed to cross off every single one of them.   That was a while ago.   This movie has got me thinking it’s time to chase after new dreams 

The Bucket List is a movie about two men, who share a room in the cancer ward of a hospital, and discover that they have a few months left to live.   Morgan Freeman’s character recalls an assignment he was given in university which required him to make a list of things he wanted to do before he “hit the bucket”.    Now, so many years later, he regrets that he didn’t find the time to re-do the list as he had hoped to do.    The two men team up and decide that it’s not too late to create a joint bucket list.   To everyone’s surprise, instead of giving up on life, the old men set off on a journey to realize what they always dreamed of doing. 

They have a blast skydiving, racing cars, traveling the world and visiting the most magnificent places.  (If like me, you have the travel bug, some scenes will tempt you to book your next exotic trip!)  Interestingly, being away from home makes the two men appreciate all that they have in their lives.  And so they return home to enjoy time with their loved ones.    

Despite the not-so-happy storyline, the movie has an uplifting message about life and what truly matters.  It encourages the viewer to live with an open heart, a sense of adventure and daily gratitude.   I also liked hearing about the ancient Egyptian belief which states that at the entrance to heaven, we will be asked two questions: “Have you found joy in your life?  Has your life brought joy to others?”    

The two men in the film successfully find and spread joy in their lifetime.   I hope all of us can claim the same.    Here’s a song from the Bucket List soundtrack:

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